Works well for NCERTs, GS Manuals, M.Laxmikanth, Bipin Chandra and so on. Basically you highlight important lines in a book and then write some important summery/keywords/phrases on the margins of every book page.
If you’re not processing and consolidating information in compact notes form, then on the night before exam you’ll have so many heaps of books, newspapers and magazines that could fill up a small loading rickshaw! You’ll be under extreme stress and frustration on what to read and what to skip?. Today, if you understand a topic from xyz book, magazine, newspaper or website but cannot recall it in the exam hall after five months, then whole exercise is useless. Even if you’re done with the core/static theory portion, the new current affairs keep piling every day. Syllabus of UPSC exam is extremely large. Well the same reason why practicing math sums is important for CAT exam= To succeed. In reverse order Weapon#5: Your Own notes Q. Competition wizard magazine pdf how to#
Now let’s see how to effectively utilize these weapons. So you should not over-rely on such Desi-weapons. Postal study material and readymade coaching notes = Desi country made weapons (katta and Tamanchaa), most of the time they misfire or don’t fire when you pull the trigger. Pros and cons of a Government scheme / policy, reasons –suggestions-analysis of xyz socio-economic-environmental problem= these are some examples of fodder. Fodder is required mostly Essay and interview.
Fodder: if UPSC examiner was a buffalo, how would you please him? Ofcourse by throwing some grass fodder at him. Facts: features of Government scheme, powers of President, reasons for the spread of disease, some physics concept responsible for mechanism of xyz instrument. These weapons provide fire two types of ammunition Your own notes (assembled using the parts of above four weapons). Newspaper (The Hindu/Indianexpress only). Frontline, EPW, The Economist, Outlook etc. Do I need to follow more than one Competitive Magazine?. How to subscribe to Yojana and Kurukshetra?. B) Readymade Coaching class notes and Material. Now it is time to gather and sharpen weapons required to defeat him. GSM4: Ethics – Ethics, Integrity & Aptitudeįrom the previous Act I, I hope you’ve understood the mindset our Blood Enemy (UPSC).